Friday, June 26, 2009

We have a new Mechanic!

So every since Trevor left on his mission we have had a hard time getting the oil changed, getting the brake pads changed and other stuff that you do on cars. So Larry decided to train a new Mechanic. Here she is at work.

Look Mom, I'm all dirty! Here she is changing the brake pads.

Brakes done, now we put the wheel back on.

I hope that comes off!

All done time to take the jack out. Job well done! Not the girly girl you thought she was.


Kim L. said...

GO SHANDY! Next time, invite ME over for a tutorial. I never learned any of that valuable information. VERY COOL! What a great dad to take the time to teach that fun stuff.

Alisa J said...

You should have waited until i come home to do it so I could learn too! oh well. love you!

Sheryl said...

Shandy is always a rock star at something! Very impressive indeed!

Anonymous said...

Shandy a girly girl? Never! She is pretty much pro at everything. Luv you cuz!

Kristi said...

She is soooo adorable! What a talented girl!