Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Today is Alisa's 22nd Birthday.
I must say it has been a great 22 years.
Alisa has been a joy in so many ways.
If I had to use one word to describe Alisa it would be "Happy".
If you ever see her she always has a smile on her face.
Her are a few of my favorite SMILES through the years!

Alisa was a very happy baby.

When I would walk into the room she would start to squeal and kick her feet.

It was never hard to get her to smile when having her picture taken.
How can you resist a smile like that?

Who could get mad at that face even when she was getting into mischief?

She just keeps getting cuter.

Can't look at her and not smile can you?

What a cute girl!

This is her friend Shaina. Like Alisa's perm?

She was even a happy teenager.

Prom and her good friend Jill.

Graduation from Norco High School.

This day was nothing but smiles as she was sealed to her sweetheart Scott!
And now she will be having her own baby in March.
I hope you have a happy baby just like you were and are.
You are a great joy to me! Thanks for the memories!
I look forward to many more years of smiles!
I love you Alisa and hope you have the best BIRTHDAY ever!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy First Blog!

well, hello!

yup, the Westover's finally have a blog :0 surprising i know. this is Shandy and i help set this up for my mama. so i might post stuff along with her every once in awhile. and yes we used a dictionary for our title.

Today's thanksgiving and Alisa her hubby and grandma Lindsay are here to grub with the rest of us. but someone's missing...

we are all done eating dinner (which was absolutely delicious!) and (a family favorite) taken our naps and we are all watching Get Smart (funny movie).
This morning me miss prego and the boys went to our ward turkey bowl and played a little football. well alisa didnt play. she thought being pregnant was a good enough excuse. pish posh. ;)

elder hansen pulled his hamstring so me and Shared got the thrilling oppritunity of riding the missionaries very high bikes from the high school. allllll the wayyyyy to the williams house. it was a lot farther than i thought but we managed, and made it home in time to help mom and g-ma with dinner.

ps. pie was my favorite and mom dropped the coconut cream just now. which was the best one! how dare she.

happy turkey day!!

race you to the mall tomorrow ;)